A collection of largely meaningless statistics. (last updated 01/12/18)
Countries cycled: 38
Distance cycled: 35,773 km (22,228 miles)
Punctures: 4
Broken spokes: 4
Wheel rebuilds: 2
Tyre changes: 5
Highest altitude: 4,655 m (15,272 ft) Ak-Baital, Tajikistan
Longest unbroken decent: 66km 😀
Average speed: ~ 17 km/h
Average rate of ascent: 400 m/h
Longest distance continuously holding the brakes: 17 km Goderdzi Pass, Georgia
Total number of leg rotations: 6,312,882
Max speed record: 83 km/h (somewhere in England)
Most expensive country: Switzerland
Cheapest country: Morocco
Countries worked in: Spain, Greece, China
Longest spell without showering: longer than you (okay… 14 days)
Hottest temperature: 45°C (in the shade) Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan
Coldest temperature: -21°C Tibetan Plateau, China
Favourite place to cycle: Spain
Least favourite place to cycle: Macedonia
Times chased by dogs: hundreds
Times attacked by dogs: 3
Times attacked by people: 1
Planes taken: 0 (I don’t fly)
Boats taken: 11
Cars taken: 1 (police car in Xinjiang, China)
Trains taken: 1 (Eurostar, terrible)